Backface visibility
Backface visibility

backface visibility

Add the property transform-style: preserve-3d on the container element and that should do it. backface-visibility presents a creative opportunity for us to explore and use this perceived extra space we have created. The backface-visibility is a CSS property which defines whether the back face of an element should be visible or not. That way it will be hidden on a non-hover state.

backface visibility

In this case, the back face of an element is. Avoid using the backface-visibility property on elements that are frequently updated or animated, as this can impact performance. You need to add on the description element a hidden backface-visibility property too and rotate it to 180deg. The backface-visibility property controls whether to show or hide the backside of an element to the users.Consider using the backface-visibility property in combination with animations to create more complex effects.Use the backface-visibility property in conjunction with the transform property to control the visibility of the backface of an element when it is rotated or flipped.Hiding the backface of an element when it is rotated. The backface-visibility property in CSS is used to control whether or not the backface of an element is visible when it is rotated or flipped.

Backface visibility